And so it begins...

Welcome! I am so excited to announce the opening of my private practice. This has been a labor of love and devotion with several late nights and days full of anxiety. I expect to begin scheduling and seeing clients in early July. There have been some unexpected delays in this process and we're almost to the finish line. I hope to have the couch I ordered soon and once there are places to sit the space will be ready. Although, are we ever truly ready and isn't the first step into a new experience just a test of our delusion that we are ready for the unknown?

When I started on my professional journey I wasn't sure what I wanted my career to be or where I wanted to go with it. I knew I wanted to help people who have been through trauma but beyond that I was clueless. Since I took those first few timid steps into a whole new career I have been amazed and in awe of everything the world of mental health counseling has to offer. I consider my clients my teachers and I am honored people trust me to hear their stories. Not only do I get to listen to incredible people talking about their most vulnerable selves, I get to witness people transform and embrace a new understanding of health and well-being. I am truly inspired by my work and the people I get to spend my working days with.

My approach is collaborative, eclectic, and interactive. By using a multifaceted approach, I can provide a deeper therapeutic experience for clients and I often utilize an experiential and relational framework during sessions to enhance our working relationship.  I draw from a collection of diverse background experiences to approach each client with warmth, empathy, and sincerity. Everyone deserves to be understood as they are in the present moment. It is my goal to provide people with a dedicated safe space so that they may find their own path to healing.

I am looking forward to this journey of independence and self-discovery. Both for myself and my clients. Shall we begin?